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Winter 2021


Updated: Oct 10, 2021

We hardly took any pictures of our family through fall and most of winter... here's a cell phone pic of Christmas waiting to happen:

NewYear's sushi at Fat Fish in WVC (Albacore Garlic, Kamikaze, and Dragonfly):

Cell phone shot from the top of the ridge in Bates Canyon near Stansbury:

What happens when dad does a "mindful cool down":

Skating with A, M, and C at the Olympic Oval:

Claire enjoys the skating, but Ailie and Max definitely appreciate it the most:

Solves his own snack problems when people don't respond fast enough:

On the way to Springdale/Zion:

Not the most comfortable pillow:

Morning view from the back of the Holiday Inn:

Ready to hit some trails:

Crossing the Virgin river in Zion to head up to the Emerald Pools:

Ailie and mom were catching up with the rest of us (mom had the camera):

Spotted us:

Impressively sheer canyon walls (nearly 2,000 feet tall at the highest point):

A beautiful day, to be sure. Weather was great and temperatures were cool (without being cold):

At the uppermost pool (this spot was certainly less picturesque in late winter than it is in summer):

Getting a rare opportunity to stretch his legs:

That cliff!

The evergreens growing in that flowing white rock are impressive:

The Great White Throne and the Organ:

Gives you an idea of what a lovely day it was:

A picturesque cactus:

On the way out to the canyon overlook at the top of Pine Creek Canyon:

The overlook!

Callum stayed in the backpack.

Thank you Avatar, for making Guru Pathik an eternal part of our family hiking tradition:

Inspecting Pine Creek Canyon from above:

This is the canyon that Andrew, Ryan, Eric, Nate, and I canyoneered down with three of my coworkers several years back:

A cool little slot canyon we hiked to near the Park's East entrance (called the Hobbit Hole):

The next morning doing the Zion Narrows Riverwalk:

This day was much colder than the day before. It started snowing when we stopped for lunch at this same viewpoint I took those pictures at the day before:

Towards Weeping Rock (closed, unfortunately):

Clomping around in dad's shoes:

She loves to steal the iPad and take selfies. Most get deleted, but some gems get preserved:

Unfortunately, an overfeeding incident related to our Zion outting resulted in the death of the fishes belonging to Ailie and Claire. So here are their new fishes. This is Claire's fish, Ripple (he's a Delta Tail Betta):

And this is Ailie's fish, Riptide (Halfmoon Betta):

Until next time...

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